Is extra virgin olive oil fatter than seed oil?  FALSE

All oils contain the same amount of fat and provide 9 kcal per gram. Extra virgin olive oil is not more caloric than seed oil; on the contrary, because it is more flavorful and viscous in ordinary use as a condiment, less is needed. 


Is extra virgin olive oil heavier therefore less digestible than seed oils?  FALSE

Extra virgin olive oil is the most digestible of oils and has no contraindications: in fact, it is recommended even in the infant's diet.


Are all vegetable fats similar from a dietary/nutritional point of view? FALSE

Palm oil and coconut oil, very often hidden behind the words "vegetable fats" on the product label, are rich in saturated acids (rich in cholesterol) typical of the animal world; therefore, the generic wording "vegetable fats" does not guarantee the nutritional quality of the product.


Are clear glass bottles the most suitable containers for storing oil?  FALSE

Dark glass bottles, tinplate metal or stainless-steel containers are the most suitable because the oil is protected from light, which catalyzes oxidation very quickly.


Is any environment suitable for oil storage? FALSE

Oil should be stored in rooms at temperatures between 12/18 °C in the dark, avoiding the proximity of scented detergents, cold meats, wine vinegar or other odorous substances, since "oil is like a sponge" it absorbs all odors. the packages used during daily use, should be kept away from heat sources, closed carefully and stored in the dark.


Is the acidity of the oil perceived with taste? FALSE

Acidity is not perceivable by taste, but only by chemical analysis and represents the percentage of free oleic acid. 


Is the amount of oil extracted from olives determined only by natural factors? FALSE

The cultivation practices of the olive tree, the choice of the most suitable time for harvesting, harvesting methods, storage, the time elapsing from olive harvesting to milling, extraction technology, and storage are all factors determined by humo that directly influence the organoleptic characters of the oil.


Is a quality extra virgin olive oil also typical? FALSE

An extra virgin olive oil is typical only if it possesses distinctive organoleptic characteristics (taste and smell) derived essentially from the geographical environment and varietal characteristics of the olives. An example of typical oils are those with the D.O.P. (Denominazione - Origine - Protetta) label.


Is bitterness a negative sensory characteristic? FALSE

Bitterness is a characteristic flavor of oil obtained from green or freshly pitted olives, or from certain varieties of olives, so it is a positive character related to the presence of polyphenols. The higher the presence of polyphenols the greater the oil's ability to carry out its beneficial protective actions on unsaturated fatty acids. 


Is spiciness a negative characteristic of oil because it "tingles in the throat"? FALSE

This sensory character is related to the beneficial presence of polyphenols and indicates that the oil was obtained from olives harvested at the right time (beginning of veraison).


Is the frying pan a suitable pan for frying?  FALSE

The wide, low shape of the pan causes the oil in it to have a large surface area in contact with air, oxidizing quickly. It is preferable to use a narrow, deep container (e.g., deep fryer).


Is seed oil the most suitable oil for frying? FALSE

Extra virgin olive oil withstands high temperatures better because it is protected from oxidation by natural antioxidants. In addition, the polyphenols and tocopherols inherent in oil extracted from olives prevent the formation of free radicals.



  • Butter 
  • Sunflower Oil 
  • Corn Oil
  • Peanut Oil 
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil 


  • 110°  C
  • 130° C
  • 160° C
  • 180° C
  • 210° C

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